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Welcome to my spiritual space! Feel free to take your time browsing through the site to explore my offerings or even just to allow yourself some time to be in the moment and replenish your energy. Everybody needs the time and space to just breathe.
My story begins quite uneventfully compared to most. I grew up in a single parent home until the age of 9 with a sibling that bordered both father figure and typical older brother depending on the day. We were brought up with religious beliefs and weekly church attendance. School and grades were important as was the vocation of choice and opportunities it offered. My focus had always been on what I could contribute to the corporate world and how best I could support my own family financially when the time came. Unbeknownst to me, the Universe had additional plans for my purpose.
I have always been interested in astrology and the spiritual realm. I wondered how the psychic abilities of others were discovered and if they used them to play the lottery. Could tea leaves really tell me what my life ahead had planned, and how many mini me’s would be running around causing me both joy and exasperated exhaustion? My experience with the gifted individuals that fell within these categories throughout my lifetime had varied between wonderous and disappointing, however I continued to seek out these experiences as I felt drawn to them within my own spirit and soul. And then I was introduced to an exceptional Psychic Tarot reader that essentially changed my life.
I remember when I was 5 years old, I had caught a flu and was bedridden, running a high fever and was what my mother thought was to be delusional. I was seeing tiny purple spiders crawling all over my walls and ceiling, they almost looked like they were floating in their respective spaces. I was given more medication to relieve my fever and hopefully alleviate the delusional visions so as to put my mother’s mind at ease. Only years later when I started to see purple floating spheres of molecules in my space did I realize that a spirit had been attempting to make itself known to me since that young age and time.
My Psychic Tarot reader has been instrumental in guiding me through these realizations and spiritual awakening over these last 17 years and I in turn find purpose and fulfilment in doing the same for others now. It brings me joy and happiness to read Tarot for others and utilize (and continue to grow) my intuitive abilities to help guide them through their journeys and life paths. Empowering others to manifest the seemingly impossible into unimaginable reality is what motivates me to get out of bed each day. I am by choice Corporate leader by day and spiritual guide by night. Let me tell you, it is a beautiful and exciting space to be.
I look forward to providing you with the same wonderful experience soon!
All You Need to Know About
Bridge's Tarotbithia
Hello there, my name is Bridgit!

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